Wednesday, November 9, 2011

@Zazzle Spotlight Feature: Artist James Macabee

Art by James Macabee on Zazzle
Zazzle is filled with many wonderfully talented artists and James Macabee is one of these. He owns and operates many shops at Zazzle selling artwork of a wide variety- everything from Christian to humorous gifts! I love the uniqueness of the art created by Macabee. Within it, his individuality shines through. His work calls out inspiring others to be themselves and to stand out from the crowd. Much of his art is available on Zazzle's most popular custom gifts- neck ties, keychains, postcards, t-shirts, shoes and so much more being added everyday. It's definitely worth checking out!

RETRO by nuhlig

Sk8Bordz by nuhlig

Plaid Kedz by nuhlig

1 comment:

  1. Sk8Bordz by the design! Great choices here!
