Today I wanna shed a spotlight on breast cancer awareness t-shirts... in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month and in honor of my Mother, whom I lost two years ago to the disease.
Save 40% on tshirts with coupon: FRIDAYZAZZLE
Since I lost my Momma two years ago to inflammatory breast cancer, it has been more important to me than ever to stay up to date and keep current with my doctors and with the medical world of breast cancer. The way this disease can suddenly take over and just rip into the lives of not only the person affected but also those around that person... it is just devastating.
I feel like we need to be our own personal advocates and stay aware of what is out there. We need to keep up with our health and know what technological advancements and medical options are available to us or our loved ones, should something like breast cancer comes barreling into your life.
When it hit my Mom, we were in shock. She was a healthy fifty-something year old woman and then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere at all, she was diagnosed with stage three inflammatory breast cancer. She didn't have time to let anything sink in. They had to start fighting it right away because every minute counted as the cancer cells were growing so quickly.
She beat her cancer, was in remission, and then three years later she started feeling badly again. She started cancelling doctors appointments and didn't want to hear anymore bad news. I believe she knew it was back, but was more aggressive than before and she just didn't have the fight in her a second time.
Don't be like us and not know it's out there. Study up and know the different kinds of cancers. Talk to your doctors and go to your mammograms, blood work appointments, etc.
Knowledge can be power and it can save your life.
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